The accuracy of the mechanical system calculation can be adjusted by specifying the convergence tolerance. The following options are available:
- Default
In the default setting, the system iteration is carried out until the residual of the force and torque balance remains below 1 N or 1 Nm. The tolerance is reduced to 0.01 N/Nm for models with a normal module smaller than 1 mm.
- Absolute value
If an absolute value is specified, the system iteration is carried out (as in the default setting) until the residual of the force and torque balance remains below the specified value in N or Nm.
- Relative value
If a relative value is specified, the system iteration is carried out until the relative residual of the force and torque balance remains below the percentage value. The relative residual refers to the largest external load (force or torque) specified by the user. If plain bearing deflections are to be considered in the the system iteration, it is advisable to specify a value that is greater than the convergence criteria defined for the individual plain bearing calculations.
Specifying a convergence tolerance that is too low can lead to significantly longer calculation times or convergence problems.
The current absolute and relative residual of each iteration step is displayed in the console output of the FVA-Workbench.