The accuracy of the total system calculation can be set by specifying the termination tolerance. The following options are available:
- Default
In the default setting, the system iteration is performed until the differences in the calculated forces and moments remain below 1 N or 1 Nm from one iteration step to the next.
- Absolute value
If an absolute value is specified (as in the default setting), the system iteration is performed until the absolute differences in the calculated forces and torques remain below the value entered here from one iteration step to the next.
- Relative value
If a relative value is specified, the system iteration is performed until the percentage differences in the calculated forces and torques remain below the value entered here from one iteration step to the next. The value refers to the largest external load (force or moment) specified by the user. If the system iteration should consider the journal bearing deflections, a value should be specified that is greater than the termination criteria defined for the individual journal bearing calculations.
Setting the termination tolerance too low can lead to greatly icreased calculation times or convergence problems.
The residuals (differences) between the individual iteration steps are displayed in the console output of the FVA Workbench.